A few days ago, there was a suicide bombing in the International Arrivals terminal of the main airport in Moscow. At approximately this same time last year (February 7, to be exact), I was in that very same terminal. What if the attack had happened a little over a year ago?
I suppose we're all here for some reason, and that we're all only a minute, or a decision, or a chance away from our lives taking a wholly different path than we had originally expected. Makes you think though--what if you had taken a wrong turn somewhere, and weren't here anymore? I believe we'll only take that wrong turn when we're fated to do so. What do you think?
Fun fact of the day: warfarin, an anti-clotting drug, gets its name from Wisconsin Alumni Resource (or some other R- word) Fund, because it was developed at the University of Wisconsin. So every time a patient gets prescribed warfarin, the University of Wisconsin cashes in a little [or maybe a lot? I'm not sure]. What if warfarin had been developed at Baylor College of Medicine? It would be called barfarin. hahahaha.