Thursday, February 4, 2010

A New Beginning

I've officially defected from Xanga and come over here. I've been thinking about doing this for quite some time, (a bit idly, I'll admit) but I was hesitating because I always develop attachments to the things I use often--cameras, computers, glasses, cars, and also blogging sites, apparently. I felt a bit like I would be betraying my little ol' Xanga were I to start a new blog here. But since I haven't posted regularly in my little ol' Xanga for ages, I don't feel so guilty anymore. Besides, the Xanga had too much of my teenybopper past attached to it; perhaps that's why I haven't blogged much recently: it was slightly buried in the remnants of the past. Anyway, though, here I am!

Having graduated a semester early, I'm spending this spring semester working in my lovely plant genetics lab on campus (You're sure to hear more about it as time wears on. Lots of fun stuff happens in lab.) and going to India (to visit family) and Singapore (to visit a friend) for seven weeks! Which is a long time. Which brings me to the reason I felt like posting in the first place. I know the trip could be really good, if I went at it with the right attitude. I'm sure there will be many memories to be made, lots of fun to be had, much soul-searching to be accomplished [check it out--countable and uncountable nouns in that list, woot!] in both India and Singapore. Yet I kind of don't want to leave home. I feel like being gone for such a huge chunk of the semester will lose me the opportunity to watch my friends do a lot of interesting things--not to mention to do a lot of interesting things (i.e. go to Chicago over spring break, do random stuff in lab that both annoys and entertains the postdocs, linger obnoxiously long over lunch in South Servery, do movie nights and celebrate 21st birthdays and on and on) with my friends here at home. And I know I'll get homesick in India; I always do. Plus I've never actually gone there by myself before, so I'm slightly nervous about lugging around my bags and making my way through the airport and actually knowing what I'm doing.

All that being said, though, if this trip isn't going to suck, I need to get myself excited for it. So to that end, here is a list of things I am looking forward to doing during my trip to Asia:
  1. Drinking fresh coconut water (eleneer; how the heck do you transliterate that?)
  2. Eating palm fruit (or so I think it is; all I know is it's called nungu--again, how do you transliterate that?--in Tamil)
  3. Eating roasted corn (suttu solam!)
  4. Seeing Singapore for the first time!
  5. Visiting the temples I love
  6. Writing lots of postcards to friends back home
  7. Getting to know my cousins better
  8. Going to Pizza Hut in India; yay for paneer on pizza!
  9. Making enchiladas for my cousin in Chennai
  10. Buying clothes and shoes and earrings and other nonsense in Pondy Bazaar and elsewhere
  11. Seeing parts of Chennai I've never seen before (hopefully this will happen)
  12. Writing in my little green journal and maybe even conceptualizing a new piece!
  13. Reading lots of books in my spare time
Right, that's a pretty good start, I'm thinking. But if I want to actually get on the plane, I need to pack, which means I need to get off the computer and get my day started, which I am loath to do, but I guess I should just suck it up. Hopefully I'll be able to update this once or twice while I'm in Asia so that I can show you guys what I'm doing over there. Here's to happy blogging!

1 comment:

  1. And I am excited to be the first to comment on your new blog!

    Hooray for countable and noncountable nouns and for traveling to India. I can't wait to hear of all your adventures and to receive a postcard from you!

    I too have a green journal as well! =) Shyam got it for me from Italy! It's a beautiful green leather-bound journal!
