Monday, September 3, 2012

Ticking Time Bomb

In roughly the last week, I've lost my apartment, a great deal of my freedom, and my boyfriend. (To be perfectly honest, I "lost" all three of the above mainly of my own accord.) To say that it hasn't been an easy week would be a great understatement. Then yesterday, a male, Mormon, future OB/GYN classmate of mine and I were talking about childcare, and he asked me if I have a significant other. I said no, and he assured me that it was "okay" that I didn't have one at the moment, that I have "time" to find someone, but then again, my ovaries are "a ticking time bomb" because, hey, those things poop out eventually, and who knows if I'll still be fertile by the time I find someone with whom I want to procreate? (Again, to be perfectly honest, this is actually a really nice guy, and I don't think he meant any malice by what he said, none at all.)

The weirdest part of the whole exchange? His comment didn't even bother me. I don't know if that reaction was due to something awesome, like the idea that I'm well-adjusted and modern enough to know that even if I couldn't have biological children, I'd still be equally happy with adopted children; or something not-as-awesome, like I am just completely numb right now. Maybe it's just that I feel as if lots of people around me have been encouraging me to find a guy to marry/settle down with in the near future, for various reasons, and this is just another ludicrous one being presented to me. If I want to have biological babies, I better delve into the finding-a-life-partner thing with gusto!

I just feel like my life is changing rapidly, and the short-term future taking shape resembles a life I never thought I'd live, and that makes me deeply uneasy in ways I find difficult to explain. I'm glad I'm currently on a rotation that I really like, so that going to work can at least bring me some satisfaction instead of more frustration.

1 comment:

  1. guh, what. a. week.

    find a way to steel yourself and root yourself. and then I think if you take things on in amounts you know you can handle, I know you'll be fine.

    I hope you found a new place to live. I'll email soon. <3
