Monday, November 5, 2012

Shooting Stars and Flowers Coming My Way

At the beginning of September, I moved out of my apartment and home to live with my parents because there was mold growing on a bunch of my clothing in my apartment, and that mold made my lips swell and gave me hives and sent me to an emergency room.
About six weeks later, someone decided it would be fun to vandalize [albeit mildly] my car, and I spent a considerable amount of time and energy and a small (though not negligible) chunk of change buying a new mirror for my car and getting it fixed.
Then last week, I see that I've gotten at least one, and maybe two, incredibly harsh evaluations from people I worked with on my Pediatrics rotation, the rotation in which I worked harder than ever before, yet got a few evaluation scores lower than I'd ever received before.
And today, I hear that it's a very real possibility that someone got ahold of my social security number, somehow, and is actively using it to commit, you know, tax fraud.
The world is doing a GREAT job of sending shooting stars and flowers in my direction. If President Obama does not win the election tomorrow, I may be forced to give up on everything. I cannot catch a break.

1 comment:

  1. keep your head up, girlfriend. things can't be shitty forever. Also, when something which would otherwise only seem mildly good'll seem awesome! perspective :D
